Why We Exist

When it comes to the issue of concussion, some sports administrations around the globe are following the ‘big tobacco’ playbook.

The pattern of behaviour is the same:

  1. Deny the issue exists

  2. Refute the science / cite ‘confounding factors’

  3. Make piecemeal ‘PR Driven” efforts to address the issue

  4. Attack those making positive change instead of attacking the core issue

None of the above has a meaningful, positive impact on those who are suffering!


Which means BIG problems aren’t being properly addressed.

CTE - the extreme end of the concussion impact spectrum - gets a lot of media attention. However, even CNI (Cognitive Neurological Impairment) is bad enough and it’s far more prevalent. Leading to symptoms such as mood swings, depression & anxiety, sleep disorders and cognitive function - memory, attention, decision-making. These symptoms reduce quality of life. Affecting:

  • Independence

  • Capacity to work

  • Interpersonal relationships


Making Sport Safer

Sports Health Check engages in practical measures to mitigate concussion risk.


Brain Health Programs

We subsidise programs that improve the quality of life of past-players by mitigating the long-term impact of concussions. Programs that use a range of scientifically proven methodologies that promote healthy brain function and equip individuals with the skills to facilitate quality of life.

Wellbeing Programs to Support Athletes

We subsidise the cost of programs that teach retired athletes’ practices to help with stress resilience, emotion regulation, and relations with others.

Wellbeing Programs to Support Families

We subsidise programs that provide family members of retired athletes with additional skills to care for themselves while caring for the rest of their family. 


Supporting Independent Research

Sports Health Check supports independent research into concussion. Seeking the best way forward in terms of improving the general understanding of concussions, concussion testing protocols, return-to-play/school/work protocols, and rehabilitation methodologies.

Providing Education Programs

Sports Health Check provides education programs to ensure that the community is fully aware of concussion risks and the best way to mitigate them.


Real Outcomes

Sports Health Check Ambassadors.001.jpeg
“I’m eternally grateful to Peter Jess (Sports Health Check committee member). The guy has saved my life, really,”

“Not just with the financial side of things but making me realise that I’m not stupid or going crazy. Everyone was sympathetic but Pete was like ‘no, this is bulls***
— Shaun Smith Former AFL player and now a Sports Health Check Ambassador

Help Make Sport Safer

You will be helping to protect sport’s important place in the community, as well as the quality of life of past, current, and future participants.